PROM or programmable ROM (programmable read-only memory)
is a computer memory chip that can be programmed once after it is
created. Once the PROM is programmed, the information written is
permanent and cannot be erased or deleted. PROM was first developed by Wen Tsing Chow in 1956. An example of a PROM is a computer BIOS in early computers. Today, PROM in computers has been replaced by EEPROM.
EEPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory),是一种断电后仍能保留数据的计算机储存芯片——即非易失性的(非挥发性)。它是一组浮栅晶体管,被一个提供比电子电路中常用电压更高电压的电子器件分别编程。一旦编程完成后,EPROM只能用强紫外线照射来擦除。通过封装顶部能看见硅片的透明窗口,很容易识别EPROM,这个窗口同时用来进行紫外线擦除。可以将EPROM的玻璃窗对准阳光直射一段时间就可以擦除。